Incredible post. So many banger quotes and a lot to process. In particular:
The other mistake Camus identifies is that Nietzsche placed his Overman as a "yet-to-be", something that would come in the future, thus betraying both his pre-Socratic influences and Jesus's teachings, which brought the "later" to the "here and now".
The hardest work of filling the vacuum left by the death of God by building a foundation for new values and embodying them without going insane.
I've been reading a lot of Jungian psychology in recent years. To synthesize my own interpretation from your report through that lens:
  • The apocalypse is happening inside you.
  • The true Ubermensch is one who rises to the challenges of inner life.
  • The Kingdom of Heaven is already here for those that triumph of the inner nihilism of the mind.
Again, great post. Please continue to share!
thanks! Just caught up on your summaries of Eliade's book, excellent work. Eager to read it myself.
Read Jung's Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious recently, def see how it rang some bells :)