what @k00b said + this could be used by many small businesses IRL not only online. (i.e. potentially estheticians, hair saloons and so on.)
This allows you to open an account in 1 minute, even sync with your Google Cal, to avoid double bookings and earn bitcoin right away. Zero technical knowledge required.
We are trying to help people earn Bitcoin.
Ah the hair salon, of course! Thanks, it is dawning on me. Massage parlors is another great example. I think you should have a couple of these use cases on your website somewhere, since the "book a meeting with @test" undersells it IMO. Great idea, hope you guys get traction
You're a life coach, you're a celebrity, you're a consultant. I imagine there's bunch. It's seem like anyone who sells their time in small discrete chunks.
I always thought those people would first have some kind of soft touch before making the actual appointment - an intro or whatever. I guess this is complimentary to that, so it's more like a bunch of "offline" things need to happen before this could be used:
  1. meet the customer and pitch them on your service
  2. customer confirms they want some of your time
  3. you send them a link to a scheduling + payment tool in one
OK, I think I get it... basically calendly with Bitcoin. Nice.