I have learned several languages, very similar ones, and very different ones to my mother tongue. There are of course differences, but as you are asking for a general strategy, here it goes:
  • Learn the basic grammar. Use textbooks, online courses or tutors, whatever rocks your boat.
  • Start learning vocabulary, a LOT of vocabulary from the get-go. You can use spaced-repetition tools such as Anki or Memrise for this.
The distinction between basic grammar and a lot of vocabulary is important. A native speaker will understand you, regardless if you use advanced grammar or not. However, if you want to talk about daily stuff, knowing the words for each of these things is important. Example:
I like eat banana is gramatically incorrect, but you get your point across.
I eat long-shaped-thing-that-I-am-trying-to-show-you-with-my-hands will make it sound like you like to eat any possible phallic object.
  • After that, sign up for conversation practice on Italki, Preply, Verbling, etc... it helps to simply talk to a native speaker. Also, they can bring some structure in your study. It takes a bit of trial and error to find the right teacher. Depending on the language you are studying, it can be surprisingly cheap as it has become a very competitive environment for teachers.
  • If you don't have the money to spend, you can also find language exchanges on websites such as meetup.com.
I can totaly agree on all this points!