SimpleX is way better for secure comms without leaking phone number metadata to a database. Just their desktop app (if you can call it that) and call latency leave a bit to be desired.
My mobile hit-list:
SimpleX > OxChat > Matrix > Signal > Regular Nostr DMs > Discord, Telegram > WhatsApp > Plain Text
Jitsi (ideally self-hosted) is better for comms on desktop for now, as another Signal alternative there.
wow you have many APPs, I only get three APPs for different contacts, and linked to different numbers:)
I downloaded SimpleX twice and ended up uninstalled it, I really don't like the UX..
What was it that you disliked, out of curiosity? I assume the chat interface itself, rather than the new user onboarding?
Is SimpleX getting better, or is it basically functional but inert?
It’s awesome for chat. Just send an invite link and they download the app and boom you’re in, chatting away completely privately and effortlessly. Here’s the SN channel link.
For calls, it’s a bit meh unless you can tolerate lag.
SimpleX is the king. Sessions is also decent. OxChat is still very buggy currently.
I’m very bullish on the future of SimpleX