"Self sufficiency" is a pipedream for many, let alone in a SHTF-scenario: People from the cities will absolutely swarm the rural areas, for what else are they gonna do? They are armed, hungry and have more than enough time on their hands to wander around looking for possible targets to hit, and a farmer with his fields is a prime one.
In the US there are Amish communities that are mostly self sufficient, and I’m certain could be 100% self sufficient if need be.
Self sufficiency depends on how you define it. Some kind of community is necessary for just surviving. Several communities even better. One family alone would have a tough time, but it’s not impossible.
Few of those people in that situation would make it very far. Walking the easy routes, roads, and they are targeted by other bad people before they get anywhere. Walking through the country is extremely slow, and resource intensive. A few days and they are sick, dehydrated, and die of exposure.
Maybe a few road pillagers survive, but what are their skills? Can they butcher a cow? Can they hit a man size target at 400m? 1000m? Do they have armor, nods, radios? Do they know how to be stealthy from a lifetime of hunting? I’m willing to bet 99.9% of city dwellers lack most of these things.
I’m sure they think they would have a chance, but life isn’t like the movies.
When things get really bad, I don’t want to be in the city.