The Eagles are a US rock Band formed in Los Angeles in 1971. They are one of the most successful rock bands in history. With many Grammy winning albums and singles, this is probably their most well known song worldwide. Here's Hotel California:
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This song is iconic. I actually sang this track as an audition for a school musical. Pointless story, but there ya go 🤣. Hearing the full unedited solo without it being cut short is just awesome, headphones go on world goes away and just listen to those guitars sing.
Those guitars wailing at the end are among my favorite moments in recorded music. I saw them live for the first time this past year. Surprisingly good live considering they are a bunch of old men.
I'm surprised they're still touring, I thought they'd retired ages ago.
But could somebody check Hell again, want to see if it froze over this time... 😂
Those guys were always very good at getting rewarded financially. They know a big payday when they see it. You can't believe any of these fairwell tours.
Money does infact rule everything around us.
Everyone's got their price.
I have a friend who's a big fan of Y&T and says they turned down their chance to get a big contract and just does local shows for their dedicated family fanbase