Currently it is cheaper to produce product with hemp since its federally legal. It has allowed the hemp market to overturn the cannabis market in revenue because of it. You can produce any cannabanoid including thc with hemp. On the human side this allows for a global market and better benefit/pay for the workers.
30 sats \ 2 replies \ @fm 19 Feb
Oh man.. Hemp is a miracle plant.. But not for delta 9.. Its like trying to be a whole-coiner 1 sat at a time.. Hemp have 0,3% THC.. Thats almost no THC. Legally, because laws are fucking dumb, you can extract THC and use it if you keep that 0,3% of weigth.. lets say in a gummy Hemp is shit if you go for THC.. On the other hand Marijuana is the good way to get delta 9.. like to try to be a wholecoiner and get your wage in bitcoin.. Thats the difference.. the future of the world can be hemp.. for materials, fuels etc.. Not for THC
As a person who has used high quality d9 from hemp. No one can tell the difference. Most the carts on the market are d9 hemp now cause of the fact hemp guys can produce it at a way larger scale. Why only cannabis flower and rosin products are so popular, cant make that same quality using hemp. You can buy 96% d9 thc concentrates derived from hemp.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @fm 19 Feb
I know its the same.. but cant be economically sustainable.. Only justification is the legal aspect.. other than that its just dumb.. Luckily we dont have that problem on this side of the ocean