Bitcoin universal language is English. We like it or not, this is it! If you want a separate language, just create a SN territory in that language or learn English FFS.
@DarthCoin I do NOT agree. Why you have then your guides translated in a myriad of languages? I assume it's because you want your message spread faster, right?
It's already hard enough to understand bitcoin, learning a language to learn bitcoin shouldn't be a requirement, especially if you want global adoption.
You learn Bitcoin, you learn English, we both know how damn hard it is. Why you want people to go through the same pain?
The technology today allow real time translations. This will drastically drop the language barrier currently in place. It will allow you to understand what a Chinese is writing, plus that same Chinese will be able to understand what a French is ranting about. Why shouldn't SN adopt it and spread bitcoin culture at multiple frequencies simultaneously?
Now I'm not technical enough to define which technology or platform should be responsible for RT translations, I let someone else define the specs. I just trust it could be a great feature to:
  1. enable SN adoption non-only in English-speaking countries.
  2. drastically drop language barriers to learn about Bitcoin from a knowledgeable group of stackers