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Those who have been lamenting that writing is a lost art have evidently never visited Stacker News. Here, people who don’t consider themselves writers will awe you by the effort they put into their writing. Individuals who seem more comfortable with coding and programming type up long chunks of text from the books they’re reading - and then include their reflections and recommendations. As if this isn’t enough, they include footnotes to denote other things that they want to share but not deemed crucial enough in their long text.
Take that, frivolous soundbites on IG and TikTok! Stacker News exemplifies how people doggedly apply the V4V method. That if they contribute their useful insights and focus on providing something of value, other Stackers will respond in kind. Sats showers will fall in the form of furious zaps.
I’m curious to know what the other examples of V4V you demonstrate in your real life, be professional or personal. What’s something you seek to do differently from your colleagues and friends so that you can stand out from the competition and be known for excellent service? How do you put your stamp on things so that others know that you have done something unique and fabulous?
A small example but I did a web application for a client that is the main support of their business in the Backoffice and this was in 2019, i still didn't ask them all the money for my work and i pay the monthly costs of hosting and i reply as soon as I can when they need help with anything. I don't want the money until i do all the changes that they wanted and I feel the app is with great quality. I want to provide quality and most of all honesty and assurance or trust that I will always be available to reply and help, and won't just go dark.
It’s very decent of you to provide such unparalleled after-sales service. I think at a certain point in time, our professional reputation is worth more than a price tag
The V4V I bring to the table is podcasting. I honestly love talking to people, and more importantly talking about things that I think are important both in the macroeconomy, but also in Bitcoin. It is what gets me excited each and every day.
It's something I love to do even without receiving money, but I want to quit my job and lean into this full-time so I can make the best content possible.
I have almost 50 episodes now, and I will keep going several times a week! It's called SatsMate Show and it's on Fountain! Please check it out, and tell me what you think :). I'm always looking to improve and make better content.
Profile: satsmate@fountain.fm
Your website url is wrong in the show notes.
Great work! Since you love to talk to people and bring value to the table, keep doing it.
Your enthusiasm is contagious xP I will check it out and let you know my thoughts
I wrote about this last fall: #240442
You only got 122k sats... Sweet! Zapped.
Heh thank you 🙏 I didn’t expect anywhere close to that many sats. It was a wonderful surprise!
Refraining from negative V4V, aka retaliation. Forgiveness is wonderfully freeing.
Forgiving others means being kind to yourself
I complain about user experience in exchange for sats 😀
This sounds like my cup of tea! Where do I sign up?!
Example of my services: #433382 :)
Do you mean where to sign up for me complaining? Just let me know what you are building and I'm happy to give some ideas 😊
@kdnolan What happened to the ~Value4valueEducation territory? can someone please bring it back? (and rename it as ~value4value #422850)
Sorry I let it lapse..
There didn't seem to be a way to upgrade to pay for it 'forever'
I'll make a new one and call it valueforvalue - good idea 👍 .. When you make a new one you can pay for it forever, you just can't upgrade and old one for some reason 🤷‍♂️
Hehe feel free to chip in if you like 🙂
Thanks for your commitment!
You didn't hold a "pay they rent" party.
Things have changed! I think you now can!
Hehe too late
I've always been good at supporting other people's goals: need a 4th person for a pick-up game? I'm in; need someone to go on a caving adventure? I'm in; need help with your research project? I'm in. Seldom am I the one pushing for a particular activity.
I can somewhat relate to what you say. I function best as the second in-charge - supporting the leader to achieve team objectives - rather than as the leader myself. I am not a fan of myriad responsibilities haha
What’s something you seek to do differently from your colleagues and friends so that you can stand out from the competition and be known for excellent service? How do you put your stamp on things so that others know that you have done something unique and fabulous?
I try to pay attention to details and come up with good questions. I think paying attention is showing respect for the time and efforts of others. I also do this because I like when people ask me good questions. It shows that they care.
I also try to be honest in a respectful way even especially if they might not like what I have to say. It's not always easy though.
The principal of Care is an amazing skill.
Service excellence!
Your response reminds me that while I’m good at responding to Stackers’ comments, I often drop the ball when they answer my follow-up questions. I need to do better haha
I'm an English to .... translator and work for a great Publishing House that provides a lot of good and valuable translations in my native language.
I consider that a great mission and I'm proud to be part of it.
It must feel great to advance knowledge in your native language. As an English teacher and fan of other languages, I am happy reading this. I own a Translation in English-Chinese diploma myself (though I have yet to utilise it haha)
It's never too late to utilize it! 😉
I made the Satoshi Bitcoin Converter years back. It's not v4v in that it provides a simple tool for bitcoiners, yet I get nothing from it. But, it kind of is v4v in the sense that I've gotten a lot from bitcoin: education, a hobby, freedom.
I think this Bitcoin converter is a great addition to your portfolio, which could serve as valuable currency in terms of social capital. At the very least, you have something interesting to say during dinner parties haha
SEX is the most suitable example for V4V.
Lol I have a habit of responding to some Stackers, then posting and then responding to other Stackers. I blame it on my hyperactive ENFP mind
Still no zap!!! That's not a way to show V4V for my subtle observation.
Professional Scrum Master, think IT project manager for those not familiar.
Marathon running coach on the side.
It’s in giving that we receive. I volunteer my time to coach my kids soccer, am on race committee’s, and donate money to programs I benefited from.
I actually have a working knowledge of what your are talking about. Was attached to Student Learning Space, an online learning platform in my country, for two days. This is what I wrote in my journal: I got introduced to the Agile framework and Scrum practices, which are prevalent methodologies in software development. Will read up more to see how I can integrate some tips to bolster my professional effectiveness.
Do you apply Scrum principles in your personal life?
I sell oranges and rugs at the border and clean windshields with newspaper. Well, I would if I could
Keep fighting the good fight, mate
Related perhaps, I believe that all information is free. Its appropriateness and application is what gives it value and purpose.
I have never thought of information being free as part of V4V, but since @gnilma mentioned it too, I learnt that it’s part of the Bitcoin ethos xP
Information being free is just part of the reality of the internet, no matter how you think or what you think.
128 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 19 Feb 2024
Those who have been in bitcoin for a while now will probably provide most of their value through education.
That’s true. So many apps dedicated to helping newbies learn about BTC: Yzer, Simple Bitcoin, Jippi
This post got 2625 sats zapped within the first minute... Alright then.
because i think it’s interesting…
Oh? Is that so? 🤨
yes. when i see good content, i zap liberally.
Good, good... Anything else I should know?
You provide great V4V too. Revived one of your posts
deleted by author
You are really the One Stop Hub of interior design haha.
With your permission, could I forward this comment to a friend of mine? She just wrote a book called the Kite Doctor and I know she will be taken by the Headache Fixer!
I'm far from reaching the level of an interior designer. I only deal with designs related to my work, I don't deal with tiles, cabinets, stairs, flooring, paint, etc. nor do I help with picking and choosing what materials or items to use at their appropriate locations. To be a good interior designer is not easy and their service definitely has merit. I'm merely a carpenter minding my own craft.
With your permission, could I forward this comment to a friend of mine?
Sure, go ahead. The moment I posted this on the internet, it's free information anyways. Thanks for asking though, that's nice of you.