My experience is that it's less toxic than it used to be, in terms of general norms and behavior; and that territories have helped with that, since SN seems less appealing to brainless maxi types who just want somewhere to vomit the creed they read on Twitter into each other's mouths. Real people talking about their lives seems to be a countervailing force against extremist stupidity -- that's what I've observed in real time since July.
Whatever badness is leftover is a function of humans at scale. If you don't like it, model something better. It works.
Generally agree although I’m not sure it is territory related. I think SN has become less toxic as a result of how badly some Stackers were treated when they called people out. I think a few of the maxi-guardians became jaded and now either keep quiet or have slipped away. The conversations seem more pleasant and calm…. but it has come at a cost.
104 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 19 Feb
good point! there are a lot of conflicting interests here.
the toxic stuff might have moved to SN underground
The -1 layer protocol built beneath Bitcoin.
The first rule of Maxi Club is you do not talk about Maxi Club…
What do you think the cost has been?
Hey, don't trash my kind. Brainless maxis like me love SN too