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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
it seems all links from the @nitter is down 👀
Onboarded a new member.
Forgot to use my referral link
If you don't want extreme levels of autonomy and ownership, and don't aspire to be a founder, join a medium sized company. It's the best of both worlds in many ways - equity that's more of a sure thing, not yet extremely bureaucratic, and you can still access the early founders/pioneers.
How do you define medium-sized? Certain company age? Certain employee count? Obviously it's all relative, but I'd be curious to hear your opinion on it.
100 employees or revenue is 100 million
I think that's actually a good rule for medium sized. I'm a little biased toward the tiny side of things so I was thinking more so small to medium rather than what is medium on an absolute scale.
I have a friend who works in private equity and he usually targets 100 million for investment then flip in 5 years
Series A or later probably, but it's hard to define exactly what medium means here. Ideally some traction/revenue to stand on. It's less employee count because there are mega-staffed super-early companies these days. Maybe it's a maturity level thing?
I once gave a talk at Cal along these lines. Back then I said it meant "profitable or nearly so" but times have changed some.
Just wanted to highlight this post @manlikekweks just posted in the sports territory.
Bitcoin basketball event in Africa.
Little experiment: I've bumped posting costs in ~bitcoin, ~nostr, and ~tech to 100 sats and removed free posts.
It seems to be working, only 1 bitcoin out of the last 21 posts. But I see a freebie.
The scientific method says you should only change one variable at a time 😅
Well, I'm a crap scientist which is why I became a programmer :)
Added the Gingermound @ ucantdothat.net memefinder site as a mememaker piece for your mememaking pleasure.
Let me know how it goes.
Is this a hairy shoulder?
It certainly could be, with just a bit of elbow grease
Good day stackers.
Just finished a 14km run with my wife. She is training for a half marathon and I'm helping her with the training by running with her.
Day 22 of 100 push up till 100k completed.
A holiday in both Canada and the US. Family day in Canada and President's Day in the US. I know we have a number of shared holidays but it's pretty cool that we have a shared holiday date without the shared holiday.
23 days of 100 push ups until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 19 days of 100 squats until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
24 sats \ 1 reply \ @go 19 Feb 2024
question for the sn devs: how is the trust model for sn going? I know you've done a few tweaks since inception and I was wondering how you think it's performing? I'd be interested in an update from the team since is such an integral part of the sn algo. No need if you're too busy of course
It's going okay. It needs a lot of refinement but it's generally a good early model of what it should be.
Any other founders use the notification setting " when someone writes a post in a territory I founded" and find it not working correctly? I swear I'm not getting notifications for them every time.
A few times in the last week I've only noticed a new post in ~UFOs because I went and sorted by recent.
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 19 Feb 2024
Do you mean push notifications or your notifications here?
Our push notifications are still wonky but they should all show up in notifications.
Just the red square part. Everything shows up correct chronologically on my notification feed.
Idk, maybe I've had too many SN tabs open the last few days taking the notification away when I'm bouncing between them. Will keep an eye on it though.
The second most thank-full job you can do on the internet - relative to expended effort - is be a complainer.
Chillin to start the week after a crazy busy weekend!
Day 63 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 596 sats on 18Feb2024! Running total: 46,331 sats!
As of yesterday I'm 79 essays in to my goal of writing and reading 100 essays for Bitcoin Brunch. I would like to try to finish the hundred before brunch #150 but I think yesterday was #144. ^_^
Sounds interesting. Do you have a link to learn more about this project? What kinds of essays and where are you finding them? What do you hope to achieve?
I write these essays myself, usually based on the discussions and topics brought up at the meetup, Bitcoin Brunch. I've hosted Bitcoin Brunch in Miami for almost three years now. I would like to collect all 100 essays into a book which I can share with the internet.
many fun read from #429517 and now waiting to read a post about something I wish I had known before marriage.
especially the things not many people talk about, like how to get things done with minimal interference from any government, or even like @Darthcin once said that wives are more dangerous than the government. 👀
how dare I typed @DarthCoin wrong 🙈
Sipping a cup of coffee while topping up the VPN over LN, yet surrounded by elder people who are hangouting out and drinking tea:) It's like I'm living in the past, yet I'm also living in the future. 👀⚡️
Also It seems the LN top-up tool of Mullvad is only offering one year now...
I love those moments when you peek out of your thoughts and realize how tranquil and orderly the world is. It's like the opposite of an out of body experience. It's an in-body experience.
Also It seems the LN top-up tool of Mullvad is only offering one year now...
spent 105k sats ( need to earn it back! ), but the good news is I don't need to deal with it for the whole year now. 🙈
Hey, hey, hey!! Monday has begun and we gotta be on our top game, now that we are relaxed and recharged we got to get the week started with optimism and knowingly pumped up to get our weekly strategies in place and ready to accomplish our weekly goals, we've got this my friend, remember that what you do matters and it's important, so are you. I wish you a phenomenal day and may it be filled with success and joy. Be well and stay frosty gang!!
can you cite any case law supporting the conclusion of this graphic?
Yes, mine. I used to sign all court or police documents with:
V.C (vi coactus) UCC 1-308 (you have proof that you are the beneficiary of the trust, not the trustee) All Rights Reserved
That will nullify them and you cannot be accused that you accept the contract you were dragged into.
That will nullify them does it? or is it just something that you believe?
if didn't nullify it I wouldn't be here now, chatting....
Ask yourself:
  • what is a contract?
  • what could make a contract null?
Ave Darth I would like to add that it doesn't matter how you sign if your actions, speaking and being don't support it
From the top of my head? nope
i don't mind you actually looking it up...
"Anything can be an instrument, Chigurh said. Small things. Things you wouldnt even notice. They pass from hand to hand. People dont pay attention. And then one day there is an accounting. And after that nothing is the same…you see the problem. To separate the act from the thing. As if parts of some moment in history might be interchangeable with the parts of some other moment. How could that be? Well, it’s just a coin. Yes. That’s true. Is it?"
3x2 + 1 5x4 + 3 7x6 + 5 9x8 + 7 10x9 + 9
I looked at your solution and found another one that I think might be correct. It gives a result of 98.
3x2 + 1 5x4 + 3 7x6 + 5 9x8 + 7 10x9 + 8 # Could well be. 11x10 + 9
For me it's 98.5, but it depends on the solving method. There can be more than one way of solving.
Looking at this in the AM, drinking coffee, it reminded me of the daily puzzles that run in the newspapers, good to get the brain going in the morning
Socrates’ Triple Filter:
  1. Is it true? (question the accuracy and truthfulness of the information)
  2. Is it good? (considered whether it was beneficial or good)
  3. Is it useful? (assess the practical utility of the information)
Stack Sats and stay humble
Slept late. I had a weird, vivid, I guess sort of apocalyptic dream last night that has me in a fuzzy mood. It's not often that I even remember my dreams.
Day 60 keeping the cowboy hat! 🤠⚡❤️
Hey @Catcher, just zap interesting and useful content, you will find a cowboy hat bringing you daily rewards based on your posts, comments and zaps. I hope you find it useful, see you soon cowboy 👌
How does one keep a hat?
Day 310 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Missed to post.. Did all 4 sets in the morning. Yesterday.
Day 91 of horseposting
Horse stance: 1 minute x 4 sets
Good to see you made it!!
Good start to the week price wise lol
Feels nice to be above £40000...!
This BTC will never catch on… lol
Any chance of a drink?
snailposting everyday 'til A satoshi is worth a coffee
… an expensive coffee! Like Kopi luwak
That’s a strong strong promise….