We have a responsibility to tell people we care for about Bitcoin, because the earlier they start learning the better, but it should only be a very brief discussion. Not "orange pilling".
Our excitement and enthusiasm for Bitcoin and what it can do for society can come off crazy and over the top for nocoiners. It's just too fantastic and too good to be true.
It's a bit like when hundreds of years ago travellers returned home from distant lands telling stories about giant rats size of humans that hop around carrying their young in pockets (kangaroo), or birds that can talk like humans (amazon parrot) would seem absolutely bonkers. It's just too far out there without any preparation to be able to accept it as truth.
Don't try to push bitcoin on people. Everybody has a different mindset, skill level, risk tolerance, ability to learn new things, etc.
Let people ask you questions when THEY ARE READY for it. And when they do, it's best if you don't try to explain everything yourself, but point them to good resources that have been put together with great care for accuracy. There are many nuances to bitcoin, especially around security. You don't want to be responsible for lost funds because of some unmentioned detail you assume to be self evident.
Unless you're a bitcoin expert and educator of course. In that case go ahead and give the lecture yourself. 😁