Thanks for this. Now that I'm carnivore, whenever I see anything in mainstream media about superfoods, it pisses me off. That propaganda fooled me for a long time. I ate as much of them as I could. Chia seeds, spinach, almonds, etc. - I felt virtuous when I ate them. But these "superfoods" in particular are not just not superfoods, but are toxic - they contain very high amounts of oxalates, which you definitely need to avoid.
It's crazy how something that you hear about every day, all the time - whole grains are the best, eat the rainbow, limit or eliminate meat - can be so very wrong.
Check out Toxic Superfoods by Sally K Norton. It's all about oxalates, very interesting.
I was the same. The more plants I ate the more bloated, slow, and farting I became. Amazing how we can rationalize this to ourselves once brainwashed.