NIP19 nprofiles with a relay entry are not a solution -- they just resurrect the Mastadon/Matrix problem. If I print my nprofile on my business card and invest a ton of effort into getting that to people, the relay operator can just decide they don't like me and stop relaying my notes. You own your npub but you don't own your nprofile.relay.
Okay...then own your own nprofile.relay.
Use this nostr relay guide:
Use this tool: Paste your npub in there. A bunch of fields will popup. One of which will be "Add relay hint" Paste your domain name (wss://domain-name/) Copy the resulting nprofile Encode into a QR code and spend a bunch of money on business cards.
Bam, you own your nprofile.relay.
In nostros I can then sync and connect to any relays you may be connected to.
I also personally update my "about me" or "description" or whatever you want to call that part of nostr profile when you visit it, with a list of relays I'm the most fond of using (I'm connected to them because I think they're good not just because the people I follow are connected to them)