If she's a stateist NPC, better to give up on her and avoid at all costs reproducing with her. We have two prime directives as free men: To reproduce and guide children in the ways of freedom, and to eliminate systems of bondage for the good of the next generation that were set up by our predecessors.
I've recently decided there is a dividing line among we the early adopter orange pilled and those whom will not receive the word. It's that we were, somewhere along the way, previously red pilled. Those who maintain receptivity and trust in 'the system' and hold onto a belief that 'experts' in the government, wall street and finance are altruistic public servants of democracy will have a difficult time understanding the necessity of Bitcoin. The reason it exists is because of the harsh reality that there is no sturdy captain at the helm and there hasn't been one for the lifetime of anyone living today. I'm afraid it's greed and subterfuge all the way down and money is their weakest link in the chains of control and thievery.
To reiterate, if she's not receptive of conspiracy theories like JFK, 9/11, Hitler being concealed by the CIA in Argentina, regardless if any of them are true, she's likely irredeemable and you should watch Kassie Jaye's movie to understand what she will do if she gains legal control over you.
Excellent and timely advice, thank you.
She's open to redpills and 'conspiracies' for sure and we're both purebloods. We have a beautiful baby girl and that's partly what's taking up her spare time to get orangepilled 😂
And I agree with what you're saying about being predisposed to redpills. It reminds me of Svetski's article on the Remnant and the Masses. I think she'll get it eventually. It took me 4 years to orangepill my dad!
Will check it that documentary, sounds like it'll shed some more light.
Purebloodz ✊