Well, this is very interesting. I am intrigued to read the book now. Something of considerable note was "who" is William Rees Mogg? or Baron Rees-Mogg. He was a member of the British political elite of the influential Rees-Mogg family, father of politicians Jacob and Annunziata Rees-Mogg.
He and Davidson also co wrote this book Blood in the streets : investment profits in a world gone mad in which they reference Baron Nathan Rothschild "The time to buy is when blood is running in the streets"
Andrew Henderson (Nomad Capitalist) has done a video on the Sovereign individual book here which I am yet to watch
Well I wasn't going to mention his lineage (and purposefully left his title out) as I think it could distract or dissuade casual readers from the content of the book. I’ll leave my comments there…
Let us know how you get on and please share any further thoughts!
knowing who he is and the that a prominent bitcoiner, such as Saifedean Ammous, has praised it has me more intrigued to read it, for a few reasons.