Two economists walks together until they find a pile of shit, the 1st says to the 2nd, "I bet you 100$ you don't eat that pile of shit. "Deal" says the 2nd and ate the crap to get the 100$ bill.
They keep walking until they find another pile of shit, now the 2nd economist says "now I bet 100$ you don't eat that crap". "Deal" says the 1st one and ate the crap and gets the same 100$ bill back.
They keep walking until the 1st one says "you know, I feel like we ate shit for nothing, we end up having the same amount of money" but the 2nd one replies
"But we rose the GDP by 200$" LOL
That's a good one. Usually, you'd have it be Krugman and another Keynesian (Yellen or Bernanke, etc)