What is the point of this comment? What does “too fast for society” actually mean? Not trying to me actually mean, but personally I want more insight.
What does “too fast for society” actually mean?
The boomers.
Many still don't grasp basic navigation of how to use a smartphone. The more they claim to be independent thinkers the more they take everything anybody writes on the internet at face value. They don't understand basic fact checking. They're easily fooled by the most obvious Photoshop job. They're not ready for actually good deepfakes.
And most frighteningly: the genZ Tiktok generation seems to be a step backwards on this after genX and Millenials.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @td 17 Feb
I love seeing how much boomers hate being called boomers. It’s only those that really understand their position and what has happened that take offense.
But wouldn’t you be upset to realise that your whole life’s success, your whole life, is really only the result of maniacal central bank policy?
Sorry, don't want to be condescending on age. It's just the deep tech-illiteracy that is prevalent with older folks. And as I said coming up again with the young people.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 16 Feb
Yup the deep fakes are scary but I'm actually scared about general job loss and deflation of people's careers.
These tools will not replace all artists but they might make a movie or a game studio need 3 artists instead of 30. Same for copywriters, paralegals etc. Plus the inevitable self driving cars and robots and kiosks replacing factory and other work.
I don't think our ability to come up with new jobs will keep pace, and people need a purpose.
Of course everyone says it will free people to do "more interesting" work but if you visit any poor rural area or a developing country you will find millions of people with the bandwidth to do more interesting work but no opportunity. There is already a dearth of quality white collar jobs. How do you retrain for a new career when you are 40 with a family to feed?
But if what 27 of these “artists” were really just doing grunt work to make the studio function…?
Perhaps we are freeing them up to actually be creative?
Liberating them from the treadmill of grinding one’s way to the top when instead the real talent can shine through as moats are filled in.
It’s not art related but once upon a time there was a whole job that was to go into the bank bond vault and physically tear off literal paper coupons from bonds and bring them up to the customer at the front desk who could redeem them for money.
Nobody is lamenting the loss of that job.