, just because you bring up those silly arguments...
what arguments you mean? I just said i like to pick my figths.. and living undoccumented in EU is not my figth
Either way, its nice to have you back
and living undoccumented in EU is not my figth
LOL are you consider yourself a piece of paper, a document? No wonder were today in such a deep shit, when living w/man consider themselves a piece of paper...
There's no such thing as "undocumented", that is ONLY when you want to enter in a contract with somebody else (corporation or other person). If you consider yourself a "person" and not a living man, then sorry you get what you fucking deserve - SLAVERY.
So you burnt your passport and driving licence?
Im well aware of the matrix control and we are born into slavery (debt). That doesnt mean i have all the tools to disconect.
I can applaude if you managed to cut ties.. But you have to recon you cant travel abroad with no pappers and expect not to be stopped somewhere..
Also, own have you bougth your piece of land? DOnt you have your name in it? your document number? Or you just grabbed that ?
your passport and driving licence?
WRONG! Are not mine. I didn't create them, I was forced to use them. So I stop using them to "represent" me. I am not those papers. damn it! I am myslef, not a piece of paper, that I am not even the creator of it. This is what people still don't get it...
guess semantics is the problem here
papers are semantics now? LOL you are so far away, lost in the shitizenry jungle. Good luck being a slave.
so, tell me again what pappers you used to buy a plot of land..
sorry but I can't talk with entities that consider themselves papers and not living men.
man, you speacially toxic today..
If you want to consider what i am, go ahead, that doesnt define me.
And i really enjoy your content.. But its impossible to discuss if you dont want to talk. Lets leave it there.
Stay focus! that's a totally different conversation from this topic