Raise the cost to post to a really high amount, say 1000 sats. If stackers signal it is valuable content based on it’s zaprank, I will zap the poster back 2000 sats, which they earn in addition to whatever sats the post earns.
I had a similar idea, and still think it's a good idea that gets you 85% of the way to what full moderation would provide.
As to whether it needs to exist -- less clear about that one. Would a btc beginner find the normal bitcoin territory off-putting due to breadth and complexity? I can see the value in something that's basically quality posts about the narrowest vision of bitcoin, by which I mean: many bitcoiners or bitcoin-curious are probably like myself, and do not swallow some of the stuff that has got mixed in with the larger bitcoin culture.
For instance, you don't have to desire the collapse of the government to believe btc has some value; you don't have to believe that it is the source of all manly virtues (for certain definition of 'manly virtues') to be interested in it. And yet that's the impression many get, and is a major friction to people coming onboard. I think, for many people, these mix-ins are considered core to the whole idea, where other mix-ins, like carnivory, are not.
So a territory that pared away all that shit would be a great contribution, I think. But, since all of that pared-away btc content is still fully legit ~bitcoin content, it would confuse people, probably, about where to post new things.
It seems like this territory will make the most sense as a sub-territory, once those roll out.
One of the problems is that many stackers have muted pretty much all of the "peripheral" territories. That means many of the best people to answer dumb questions are never going to see them.
I do think the role siggy envisions for ~bitcoin_beginners is really valuable, though. The kinds of content that most people find valuable in ~bitcoin is generally overwhelming for newcomers, while the content that's valuable for newcomers is too simple for ~bitcoin. Crossing those streams benefits neither.