I am trying to send you back sats, but nothing works in this mess... Looks like LN is for people who have time to learn abracadabra techie rules, man... 🤔 🤕 🙈
Sorry, but I give up trying to use these nonsense, but will continue to read, comment, and push the spark found on the left side of these comments! Of course, when I like the text.
Thanks for trying to help me with this techie mess. All the best!
Try using Breez, it's non-custodial and it simply works. That's the wallet I sent you the sats from.
I've installed Breez then tried to move some sats from here to the wallet. The ugly surprise, the fee is the same with the amount to be moved, so I want to receive 3000 sats and the fee is 2926 sats... 🤔 🤕 🙈
Channel opening fees, they cost whatever the mainchain fees are, imagine that you move your Bitcoin to a locker where it can not interact with other lockers.
It's a little complicated to tell you the truth.
If you don't mind having your sats on LN custodied by someone else, download Wallot of Satoshi or Speed, the are custodial but you won't need to do the whole opening channel thing.
In any case, that's nonsense, charge greater fee than amount you send... 🤔 🤕 🙈
Breez. OK, let me try. I tried bitcoiLi, but it keeps saying me about a kind of invoice, which is stupid, I don't need any invoice...
Lightning works via invoices, but some wallets (most of them actually) support LN addresses, in the case of Breez, you simply write the LN Address as if it were an invoice and that's it.