I already knew that posting several comments one after another increasingly makes it more expensive. I just noticed the same thing posting 2 posts in my ~science territory. The standard fee is posting fee is 100 sats there, my second post cost 1000 sats (I clicked post 1000 sats without noticing). A third one would have cost me 10,000 sats, I stopped just in time.
Not complaining, just an observation.
This looks like a pretty good approach to avoid spam.
Hadn’t really thought about this. Similar to a suggestion that Saylor once had, for how Twitter could use lightning to reduce spam accounts - charge ### sats per month per account - low enough that it’s affordable but high enough that it’s costly to run junk accounts.
Is it when you do posts one after the other in quick succession or does the timescale not matter?
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 15 Feb
It's only within a 10 minute window
thanks for clarifying