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It emerges from a study of human cells that smoking can influence certain immune responses to the same extent as can age or genetics. Smoking can alter the immune system in ways that persist long after quitting the habit.
This shows that even after you stop smoking, they are repercussion that will follow you health-wise
Among the environmental factors studied, the authors report that smoking-related variables showed the most statistically significant associations across immune stimulations. Smoking was found to exert a transient effect on immediate, non-specific, innate immune responses. Surprisingly, its enduring influence on specialized adaptive immune responses was found to persist well beyond smoking cessation.
This is disheartening for people trying to quit
True, but the benefits of quitting smoking nonetheless are still very tangible.
This study might be useful for (young) non-smokers to remind them that nothing good comes from starting.
so if you have autoimmune disorder you should pick up smoking?
Drinking too, just to increase your odds of altering your immune system for the better~~