Even though the cultural paradigm change of Value 4 Value is relatively new, ( we can't expect everyone in the world to jump in) the core idea of giving value in real time for content, can be pretty difficult to grasp for this generation; specially the less tech savvy individuals and older people.
There is also the challenge for people that generate content of getting a consistent incentives that keep them creating; a constant stream of funds rather than tips if I may say.
Nostr Wallet Connect and Autozaps by Zapple pay could play a HUGE role in fixing the inconsistency of V4V model in its pure form, by allowing the supporters to donate a fix amount set by them either daily, weekly or monthly. Look it as a mix between the V4V Model and the Legacy Subscription Model with Better and Faster Money.
Do we need something like Autozaps now, while educate newer generations?
Let me know your thoughts.
V4V probably needs a standard way for all profiles to show how much you've either contributed or received. Probably a badge maybe a nip.
I think V4V will likely explode when the world is a bit more hyperbitcoinized. I'd be surprised if the v4v economy has 5 million daily active users.
If there is a product lots of people want that can only be obtained with zaps, that would be a method to get adoption.