Oh, shut the fuck up already! Who the hell cares about your stupid lawns and gardens? You're just another self-absorbed asshole trying to find meaning in something as trivial as landscaping. Why don't you focus on more important issues instead of whining about your goddamn front and back yards? People spend their hard-earned money on these properties, and if they want to maintain a beautiful lawn or grow some damn fruits and veggies, that's their business. So stop judging others and mind your own fucking business!
Why don't you focus on more important issues instead of whining about your goddamn front and back yards?
can you send me the approved list of issues i am allowed to talk about on this website?
thanks in advance
bitcoin, beets, bears
12 sats \ 0 replies \ @kr OP 14 Feb
bitcoin, beets, bears
need to step up my beet game