My point is that yes Obama talked a different game. Not a fan. But he was not the first to send money to fund bad dudes. Others did before and after. Its happening now. Both / almost all sides do it. Why? War is the power of the state. They get the plebs distracted fighting about party politics and domestic issues while they make their rich overlords even richer.
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This is why the deep state hates Trump. He is not a neoconservative. He is an outsider who doesn’t play by establishment rules and norms.
Obama is the only president to send cash to Iran. Not wire transfers but shipping cash like it’s 1800
Yep. Thats one reason. He also hires terrible neocons to work for him like John Bolton . So many missed opportunities. He's not a savior. He could be worse but he could be a lot better.
He's anti bitcoin for example.
Of course he can be better. But it’s naive to tolerate insiders or mainstream politicians when outsiders exist. They are the best bet to rattle the status quo
More power to ya.
I detect condescension
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Trump is not a savior but much better than the alternative in USA.
The solution is not a career politician. Those have been bought and paid for