But obviously people don't wish to move to these places or the housing would be getting bid up and people with huge lots would sell off their properties or part of their land for development if there was enough economic incentive. Trying to maximize the ratio of land usage to total benefit to force the market to demand shoeboxes is pretty much just communism.
Maybe communism is a stretch but trying to solve a housing crisis caused by fiat money and government intervention with more government intervention is like trying to solve your heroin addiction by switching to meth.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr OP 14 Feb
is a shoebox a small home in your view? or one that juts right up against a neighbor’s property?
if it’s the former, suburb homes could expand their footprint rather than subdivide and shrink their overall land size.
No, small homes are great.
I consider condos and townhomes to be shoeboxes.
My point is who gets to decide what is the optimal use of land and who gives them the authority. If the market demands condos and townhomes because they are more affordable then so be it. If the market is incentivizing people with huge lots to subdivide so be it, but I don't like the idea of "we are the government and we are here to fix housing for you".
How the government solves housing crises:
"The concept of communal apartments grew in Russia and the Soviet Union as a response to a housing crisis in urban areas; authorities presented them as the product of the 'new collective vision of the future'.