i like our Donald, even as a european, without voting rights, especially for the cochones he had in dealing with the mainstream press. although i would have liked him to have attacked the deep state with a better team, which unfortunately he did not do. the problem with Donald is that as an old real estate connoisseur he is of course also a fiat king. the first thing he will do is push for lower interest rates to flood the markets with more liquidity. we need serious serious libertarian politicians.
Yeah Trump definitely can't fix much but at least we got 2 rational supreme court justices out of him. Whoever the media hates most is who I'm voting, not that it will change much, but federal courts and the supreme Court are still important.
Obama packed the circuit courts with treasonous scum who bend over backwards to ensure violent criminals go free, and then prosecute people like Aaron Swartz, Ross Ulbrich, and Roman Sterlingov. Disgusting.
I think Michelle O is a man. The daughters look nothing like their mom or dad
The judicial branch is the most important because it’s hard to effect change thru Congress and White House. The Warren Court did a lot of damage and hopefully this new court can undo some of it. Roe is gone. Bakke is gone. Hopefully more good news
Not to mention the terrible Sonia. She is diabetic as many Latinas suffer from diabetes. Another Ruth situation?
Yeah if Trump wants to avoid histrionics in the Senate, he is going to need a woman or ethnic appointee.
Gorsuch and Barrett had no skeletons and were so cool and unflappable during their hearing
Out of curiousity, which of his 3 appointees do you believe to be irrational?
Kavanaugh: seems OK, I just haven’t seen much from him. But I can’t really claim he is irrational either.
None but Kavanaugh and Barrett sometimes lose their nerve.
I found a kindred spirit. Beef, bitcoin, guns, America First, Trump etc
Cheers on You! Don't forget hockey
Wish we had a new Clarence Thomas
I remember the corporate media attack on him…made the Kavanaugh clown show look tame by comparison.
Led by Joe Biden who was head of judiciary committee.
Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Scalia are the ideal types