When you stop and think about it "The Power of Nightmares" really is what keeps people engaged in politics today. Few politicians actually have new ideas or even a positive vision for the world. At best, they try to sell stopping the nightmares from coming true. Whether it is stopping some evil power in the world or stopping humanity from destroying the planet. These are all reactive movements. Without the nightmares why would the masses listen or even care.
I recommend watching this series and thinking about how the stories we are being told today may also be lies told for our benefit today. Not gonna point out the lies because truly who knows. But most people especially in the West are far to trusting of those in power.
Don't ever take the stories told to us by media and politicians at face value. Be skeptical. Who has something to gain from this? History didn't begin 5 minutes ago. There's always more than one side to every story. If you can't explain at least two sides you are pretty much clueless.
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