I use unleashed.chat from the CoinKite team for privacy it’s really great. Pay with sats.
Glad to hear! Have you tried GPT-4 with the newish 128k context window? How does it compare?
30 sats \ 3 replies \ @o OP 14 Feb
Actually, I have it as my backup! I need to test it more thoroughly though. I was a bit bummed that you have to create an account to use it. I'd prefer an accountless version where you pay per use and they don't track all your requests.
I believe you can just create a random username and password but you don’t have to use an email address as I haven’t.
40 sats \ 0 replies \ @o OP 14 Feb
Right, so I could rotate user/pass every week or every month. I like that!
Hm, I've just tested it again and although I mentioned specifically in the prompt that I was talking about Python it insisted on generating TypeScript code for me... that's bad :(