Japan has a vastly different culture to the US.
If some of the US populace took respect lessons from Japan, they'd have a lot less violent crime too.
It’s not only culture.
Japan is homogeneous and high IQ country.
Japan is not a diverse melting pot
Are you implying that the US has a lower IQ than Japan?
You're right it's not really a diverse mix of cultures so let's look back at the UK again. Do shootings occur? Yes. But they're are much much rarer than in the US because guns are not easily accessible. If you can't get a gun you can't do any shooting.
I would like to clarify, I'm not anti gun, I actually think you should be allowed to own whatever you choose to own within a framework of reason. And I can't see it as reasonable that an untrained civilian needs access to high end weaponry. The only modicum of anti gun I have is that I am anti the wrong people having the wrong guns.
Children as an example should not have guns, they should also not have access to their parents guns. And I don't mean "Timmy you're not allowed to touch that" I mean physically incapable of opening the locked container that stores the weapon. Although you have listed unhinged adults with severe mental issues as problems with shootings there is also the undeniable issue that children are taking their parents guns to school with them and doing the shootings themselves. That can't be allowed to happen.
I'm pro responsible gun ownership and I unfortunately believe that there is a large majority of the US population who are unfit to own weapons, despite what rights they may believe they're entitled to.
USA has lower IQ than Japan
IQ and propensity for violence are inversely related
Honestly can't say I personally disagree with that statement. But I don't believe that people are born with low IQ. And it's on the education system to teach them responsibilities and respectful behaviours. If you can teach that effectively, I think violence will drop and the majority of gun owners will be able to carry on without a minority ruining everything for everyone else.
That being said, sadly there's no IQ test for ownership of anything. The problem with as you pointed out in a different reply about felons and gun usages, because guns are easier to get hold of they have less obstacles to overcome to enact violence. If every home in America (I know not all of them do) had a gun, it just means that although felons aren't allowed to own one... They still have access via theft (and that's not exactly something they won't do) or any other illegal acquisition. If guns were less available they'd have less ability to get one (by any means) and therefore less ability to use one.
I understand the arguement about ownership for protection but you can't ignore the fact that widespread gun access gives the wrong people the wrong weaponry.
Which is why we need widespread access for everyone including the good guys. Deter fire with fire.
Intelligence is hereditary. Some people are born smart. Some are born less smart. Most people converge between 95 and 100.
Humans are not a blank slate. Twins separated at birth have debunked the blank slate. So has Steven Pinker.
Affirmative action doesn’t make people smarter.
IQ and intelligence is a bell curve.
In America there is one demographic, about 14% that is low IQ and responsible for almost all violent crimes including homicides. A trend since 1960 despite numerous government assistance programs