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Yes he did, he mentioned how the U.S makes policies and decision that are killing their economy
Yes. But at this point they're doubling down on their policy errors. Russia/China literally only needs to hold their position in Ukraine and elsewhere. We are eating ourselves economically
Russia is currently spending around one third of it's budget on military. That's not sustainable long term, unless they want to become North Korea.
The problem is that they can keep doing this. Smth the West cannot.
A lot of people don't want to see that the playing field changed radically.
Yes, Russia is even more economically dependant on fossil fuel exports than was USSR. It's basically mafia with big gas station that pretends to be a sovereign nation. But Ukraine is doing good hits on their oil infrastructure near Black and Baltic seas, likely that export route will be non-functioning soon.
Can You provide data, please? Because Russia only has 30% Debt/GDP
I think You don't get the point. Russia can finance this proxy war obviously meanwhile the whole NATO bloc is running higher and higher deficits and is losing anyways.