Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
As predicted, I lost my cowboy hat πŸ˜”
Yes yes good πŸ‘
16 days of 100 push ups until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 12 days of 100 squats until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
@Public_N_M_E beat you to it today.
He beat me to the push up comment. BlokchainB beat me to the football post. I am just off my game today. I was actually up earlier than usual too because I heard the garbage truck outside this morning and rushed outside because in my superbowl watching haste I forgot to put the garbage out for pickup.
I have the advantage of being 8hrs of so ahead ;)
Had my 100 push ups done yesterday, 88-12.
50 down for today.
Briefly hit $50k πŸ‘€ ...
ATH before halving IMO
Still disagreeing (respectfully) with you…
1999 sats/$ on my blockclock!
Very cheap. It should have to be above all time highs already.
Boom long run on a Monday Morning to start the week. 9 miles before the sun. Proof of work
madness, why 154 sat/vB all of a sudden, I know good times don't last long, but I didn't expect this short. πŸ™ˆ
The free market works in unexpected and magical ways.
need to seize it while you can, good times don't come often. πŸ˜‚
A lot of nodes close/open new channels in LN, good amount of consolidations and now... shitshow again :). Enjoy the ride.
hope it would go down again, 65 sat/vB now!
brewing tea to think what else left needed to be done:) I was expecting this low fee would last about a week...
  1. High fees lead to scaling solutions.
  2. Scaling solutions lead to low fees.
  3. Low fees lead to degen activities.
  4. Degen activities lead to high fees.
(This is probably meant to be a joke to poke fun at the fourth turning theory... or is it?)
Day 56 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 654 sats on 11Feb2024! Running total: 41,898 sats!
Is this after paying for power?
I got more than yesterday by shaking my phone
Nope. Raw revenue from mining. No argument, it’s not a big money maker
What's the point of territories if the majority just post on ~bitcoin to get more visibility?
Don't believe me? try to head to the recent feed and count how many are out of topic posts over the 21 displayed (without hitting more button)...
What's the point of territories if the majority just post on ~bitcoin to get more visibility?
agree - and why people would even bother to post on low visibility territories.
99 sats \ 8 replies \ @ek 12 Feb
What's the point of territories if the majority just post on ~bitcoin to get more visibility?
To have niches for other content. Bitcoin is just the means to an end.
Don't believe me? try to head to the recent feed
You linked to ~bitcoin/recent. You should have linked to /recent:
red arrows are posts in other territories
Thanks Satoshi we have more posts on non~bitcoin territories! My point was different.
People should access ~bitcoin territory and talk about bitcoin items. I know bitcoin fix everything... and I understand it's a consequence of not being a moderated territory
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 12 Feb
Ah, I did indeed misunderstand you, sorry. Yeah, as a stacker (and not founder) you can only decide to not zap or downzap items that don't belong in ~bitcoin.
It seems like this probably happened because so many stackers muted all the other territories. Actions have consequences.
To have niches for other content.
I like the idea of this, but then learning more about Bitcoin is the most important thing at this stage ( at least for me )
And with so many new shiny things trying to grab people's attention, many newcomers might find it hard to focus on learning about Bitcoin - I think SN should prioritize ~bitcoin.
isn't ~bitcoin_beginners made to learn about ~bitcoin πŸ€”
Let a thousand flowers bloom.
I'm one of the most active SN users and I barely ever read stuff from ~bitcoin. There's room for everyone here. No need to "focus".
99 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 12 Feb
I think SN should prioritize ~bitcoin.
What could this look like?
idk, all I know is that it's hard for newbies to learn about Bitcoin on most internet places, which means it's a good opportunity for SN to standout - Bitcoin first, everything else second, you can have all the fun but don't forget to keep learning about Bitcoin:)
Day 303 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Day 84 of horseposting
Horse Stance: 1 minute x 3 sets
I had hope yesterday to at least reach 50k... the snail need to keep going.
Miss by one day? hahaha.
You in a hurry for the snail to get somewhere?
You are right... maybe I lost the thread but... what happens with the push ups? I was worry about the health of the snail if this continue longer.
Nah, I hit my original goal of 100 so am stopping for a bit. Will start a new challenge soon.
Good job! Halving getting close…
Happy Monday stackers! After a magical night within a caravan surrounded by nature, there is nothing better than enjoying a good read in SN and a good coffee with you. Don't forget to enjoy every day the little things you love, and if it's with the people you love, all the better. Cheers and bitcoin!
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 12 Feb
The most fiat thing might be smoking cigarettes
tried it one time when I was younger, and HATED it:)
don't really understand why people smoke.
Be careful out there! they steal your hats :D
Howdy partners!!! The week has begun and it's time to get things cracking, hope you had a wonderful weekend filled with joy and relaxation,hope you recharged so we can show this week who's boss!! The air today is nice and cool, something's in the air, a change is coming and every change is for the betterment of oneself, you are the creator of your own reality, change your mindset and think positive my friend, sometimes it feels like the exact opposite but when that happens, see it as a lesson needed to learn, but never doubt your abilities, your value and your love. You're important and you matter!! Have a phenomenal day my friend!!! Be well and stay frosty!! Let's do this!!
Ding fries are done. 100before100k 100 push ups, squats & sit-ups. I'm struggling today, fatigue from staying up to watch the superbowl got me struggling hard.
You've got all day. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
Unseasonably warm here. I don't need a winter coat in the middle of February.
It was the hottest January on recorded history, and February doesn't want to be cool like it used to. Will we survive this summer?
Around Northeast US January was about as cold as I can remember. Weird contrast.
Same for me and would expect snow. Should be in thermals for work and currently in hoodie and shorts.
I wonder when Darth is going to stop by for old time's sake? Then maybe @nemo will drop by for a cameo. It's good to know everyone is still around.
indeed:) miss those old fun time!
I saw you're using an Umbrel for your node? @DarthCoin has strong opinions on those critters!
Umbrel with other mobile nodes!
I've been "annoying" @darthcoin for the whole weekend with many of my ideas / practices. 🀣 so nice having someone to ask and discuss little cool hacks.
He really is a great resource for advice on nodes. He has more practical experience than anyone I am aware of.
I am not so "super specialist" in nodes. But indeed I have a lot of experience running nodes for many years, studying and testing stuff. But all at a pleb/hobby level, not professional or business level.
I know my limits and I know for sure that are many other good node runners here. Only that they are not so "talkers", not everybody want to share their experience and knowledge with others. Some of them are afraid to share that knowledge thinking that some others could take their business model or something like that.
And that's way I started writing guides exclusively for bitcoin and LN nodes, few years ago. I saw that the apps were lacking in documentation or it was super technical explained on github, just few lines of how to install and that's it. And new users had no idea what was that. So I start myself testing them and make a nice explained guide about each solution.
For example, I wrote in 2020-2021 the entire troubleshooting guide for Umbrel, with almost 30+ entries, step by step commands, tested by myself.
Third day of Chinese New Year. 🧧
Extended family gatherings can be tiresome sometimes. Luckily my boy was with me to charm the socks off the uncles and aunties and deflect unwanted attention from me. I could focus on eating the goodies in peace rather than make small talk.
Not to mention that they gave him red packets too. Some of which will end up in his college fund haha.
Speaking of which. i should set up a BTC savings account for my boy soon
Cheers mate, looks a good episode
Ah, had seen the reference to permaculture when I made the above comment but now see that it seems you discuss Masanobu Fukuoka too (looking at the show notes, where his book The One Straw Revolution is linked).
That book and its exposition of his 'natural farming' philosophy made a very strong impression on me when I first read it, so much so that I made a 'pilgrimage' to Japan soon after to visit his farm. I hitch-hiked across the island of Shikoku (from the east coast, over its mountainous interior, to the west coast where he lived) and met Fukuoka and saw his mountain orchards. I had wanted to live and work on his farm (as he describes ppl doing in his book) but he was quite old by the time I visited him and no longer took in ppl (except there was a Japanese girl who seemed to be staying on the farm). He directed me to a nearby organic co-op (mikan orchards) and I went on there to have further adventures. But meeting Fukuoka was the highlight of that trip.
I am glad you had that experience! There is something incredible about the Japanese countryside. I am staying South of Tokyo right now, close enough to the mountains and the oceans to remember what it is supposed to be like. There is a bit of a permaculture community here, really cool spot.
Well looks like it’s another week in the mines.
Hey hey Stackers!
gm for the early birds!
spent the whole weekend improving my Node setup and did more tests, and accidentally found this I thought to myself, what kind of brains come up with these cool things? like I'm good at learning and exploring, but these are people actually building on top of Bitcoin with their own imagination and execution, deep respect for all the builders/devs.🫑
143 sats \ 15 replies \ @ek 12 Feb
what kind of brains come up with these cool things?
The brains that work at Lightning Labs :)
That is the official documentation for LND and more. They own this domain:
interesting, but no anon devs? πŸ‘€
I don't know why, maybe the sense of mystery making anon devs are way cooler. oh wait, is @ekzyis also count as an anon? 🫣
oh wait, is @ekzyis also count as an anon?
Depends on what degree of anonymity you accept as anon. I try to hide my face and real name but that's it. But not sure how much longer I can hide my face, it's pretty annoying in calls. I also usually do show my face in 1on1 calls like with @kr or @itsTomekK from @Alby. In the Alby community call, I covered my face though and @itsTomekK wrote "Free Ross" in the chat because of that I think haha
But I also like to cover my face as a statement on privacy πŸ€”
I guess you are not @anon anymore πŸ€” my definition of anon is no one knows who you are ( your fiat name ) and how you look.
@nemo and @DarthCoin is a good example of an anon. πŸ‘€
@nemo and @DarthCoin is a good example of an anon. πŸ‘€
Assuming they indeed never linked their name or face to their nyms. I think that could indeed be the case for @nemo but not so sure for @DarthCoin. I would think that at least some people IRL know that he is @DarthCoin online?
Yes, some bitcoiners know me IRL. They even came to my house. But are very few that know me and those ones respect my privacy as I respect theirs. Yes is hard to keep a certain separation between online nyms and real You.
if even his wife doesn't know how many bitcoins he has, I doubt he would even leak that he's @DarthCoin πŸ˜‚
What about you? Are you @anon? :)
indeed that page is very very good resource. I suggest to look at this one, for your node (if you run a public routing node):
deleted by author
Umbrel πŸ‘€
Someone should sell pitch forks on ~Agora
All these newbies and shitcoiners need direction when landing on @SN! It may need a new welcomeing page?
Launched today the 3rd FUC give it a try!