You are far away from being a "friendly Popescu".
Also appreciate this feedback haha
Popescu was the ultimate toxicity in Bitcoinlandia.
I guess that answers my question about the namesake.
I think I was influenced a lot by his personality in the past.
I think so, too. Did his personality change over time? Your statement sounds a bit like that. Or maybe it's just your English.
You are pulling words out of my mouth.... words that I cannot say.
Did his personality change over time?
NEVER. Popescu was the most toxic ever existed. And his stubbornness was amazing. I myself sometimes I am kind of "soft" on shitcoiners. But maaaan, I was talking in private with Mircea and was damn fucking toxic...
Nowadays we have only "soft" maximalists, that call shitcoiners "altcoiners". Like they were any "alternative". This is fucking nuts. CALL THEM AS THEY ARE: SHIT-COINERS
Why are you censoring yourself juts for the sake of being nice? This is pure madness woke mentality. DISEASE 100%