We create too much CO2, we are 7 billion people! With cars, industries, burning things and tons of other bad recent habits. We emit lot of carbon dioxide. CO2 is bad because of the solar activity. So we really accelerate things like never before. Fact. Bad policy can destroy economy, yes. But it can also be the key to destroy polluting business or at least make them change for good. Adequate climate policies can really create big opportunities (Renewable cheap energy, more jobs, more happiness and sustainable future). Imagine having free solar energy on your roof. Charging your Tesla with your free energy.. and being waaay more Nature friendly than any other fossil fuel house/car.
I see a lot of good people/businesses creating new innovative solutions and being ignored just because big heads want to keep business as usual and keep selling oil/coal/gaz without environment taxes. Although I start to see change in people minds right now πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ”₯πŸ“š I was in London and there is electric cars everywhere! Amazing
We can never create enough CO2.
Climate change is socialist propaganda.
The goal of climate change propaganda is to make everyone poor except for Davos attendees.
and do yourself a favor and stop with the infantile CO2 nonsense
Congratulations! it's nice to be able to live in such a green neighborhood bubble. it sounds a bit surprising, but this planet runs on oil and gas and other fossil fuels. and that won't change as long as we live and as long as our children live! being mature means recognizing realities and not forcing dream bubbles on other people