You should read more of the NASA and IPCC data. Real experts that are working on a daily basis on the field. People often get absurd information from for example big polluters. It’s more easy to fell into conspiracies and to destroy than read lot of difficult specific studies. Like saying that bitcoin is bad.. easy to say but reality is different.
The nasa webpage is propaganda.
What does NASA know about climate change?
They specialize in space shuttles that explode.
I can't stand the phrase 'the science says' or 'the sciene is clear' or 'the majority of scientists says' ... as if science were a democratic process without any state manipulation. Who is running all these institutes and organizations? (With our money)
Who would be running them if it wasn't them?
Think of the science that is done by free enterprises. Universities or education in general are naturally organized privately like in former epochs. It's a big psyop to make us believe only the biggest criminal organization of coercion, the state, is able to run this.
No one so these organizations can die
i am merely reporting on the effects of this policy. the broad debate about climate change or man-made emissions has long since been settled - for me it is sheer nonsense. be careful not to fall into the trap of state propaganda, which occupies over 90% of opinion-forming. that's all i'm going to say about that.
Science is never settled especially if politicians say it
Who invented climate change? What year?