I'm not sure what brought this to my mind today but I hear people talk about IQ pretty often and I've never taken the test. I've taken personality and temperament tests and I'm always super aware of the potential for flaws and bias. I usually feel unsure about the results. I've thought a lot about intelligence over the years and come to the conclusion that much of this subject is highly subjective. It depends on your priorities. If you privatize math over social skills some will score low or high. I've heard that IQ tests have a sweet spot which aligns with success. Whatever success means. I guess making friends and money. To high or low and you will be a social outcast or struggle with simple tasks. Its weird.
I wouldn't be opposed to taking an IQ test but I doubt I'd go out of my way to take one. I feel like some here in the comments. My personality is more the type that doesn't care what some test says about me. I see more value in personality tests that offer tips to better communicate with others. As far as intelligence goes I'd rather measure myself against myself. I can do this by my productive output, and relationship. I guess I can see to value in IQ tests but not for myself.
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