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From Orwell to Snowden, the slippery slope towards Chinese-style surveillance in democracies
Note : After the 14-part series in which we looked at how nation-states are being disrupted by the Internet and globalization, and a 4-part series on why now is the worst time for them, I have concluded that there are two main ways for governments to respond to these disruptions:
  • Increasingly control what their residents do, via permanent digital surveillance and the use of AI and machine learning (China's way)
  • Accept that their role will diminish and treat their residents more like customers
In this new series, corresponding to chapter 4 of my forthcoming book, we analyze the (very) slippery slope towards generalized surveillance to which many countries, including the most democratic, are committing themselves.
Great post and resource. Packed full of startling insights. One to follow for sure.