I've been doing the #100ADayTill100k challenge with other Bitcoiners online and I'm even leading groups of Bitcoiners locally.
Bitcoin and Fitness are my two passions in life. You might say, how can you be passionate about Bitcoin?
I'm passionate about Bitcoin because it's freedom technology. I'm passionate about being a part of a decentralized, global community of People who value their time.
When you work a job, they pay you for your time but governments all over the world inflate their currencies which makes the money you get paid less valuable over time.
With Bitcoin, you can be your own bank and save in a money that that has a fixed quantity, meaning that prices fall in relation to that currency overtime.
I love to teach people about Fitness and Bitcoin, so I'm always teaching people what I've spent thousands of hours learning.
My business is growing and I'm excited about the future.
If you would like to learn more about Bitcoin or Fitness, then DM me BTC or FIT and I'll take it from there.
#StackSATsGetFit #BetterMoneyBetterBodies 🍊💊⚡
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