Man koob that shit's deadly. Got worse when the political element broke cover. For me, if you can't explain a way in which bitcoin fits, without the world going completely asunder, you've got a shrinking audience. Maybe moon bois and family (who'll hate you when volatility strikes). Cuz people have to know a whole bunch of basic - seemingly unrelated - things to even be prepared to understand bitcoin. Then after they do, explaining volatility and energy use is tough. Maxis scaring people into ownership with politics and economics. Like religion's heaven and hell. Tokenizing Pascal's Wager or something.
You know this is an important thread cuz I feel bitcoiners are thinking about this a lot. Seriously. Some are just meh to address it. Looking through the comments on this thread though: 🌈
Great point about toxicity scaring people in bitcoining and love "tokenizing Pascal's Wager." There is a lot to learn from evangelism.