Imagine there's some very obvious reasons for this.
One thing that strikes me as absurd, you can see U.K/E.U activity stalling in unison. Post UK exit, in a rationale world you'd be able to say, okay, we agree to disagree on a wide range of policies, but let's not keep shooting each in the foot with tit for tat prohibitive taxes.
Surprised me to learn that from the U.K, stuff can be shipped both faster from P.R.China and at no extra cost than shipping from the E.U. That's even after VAT government levy/sales tax.
I expect the infantile pro-E.U anti independent crowd in the U.K would just point to post Brexit repercussions whilst simultaneously pointing to problems of ludicrous E.U immigration policies.
When I say E.U I include the U.K, but here we are all still getting squeezed after U.S interest in meddling in Ukraine starts to fade in to the background. Mr. Boris Johnson is a war criminal, like Anthony Blair, and so who do I look to for leadership?
Interesting point about Boris Johnson, who wasted an 80 seat majority in the House of Commons...Johnson's biography of Churchill is a great piece but it's clear he idolises him. If the rumours about destablising peace talks are true, it seems Johnson unfortunately mistook the Russian invasion of Ukraine as his personal 'Churchill' moment in history. Thousands have died. When actually, had he been following his role model, following through on Johnson's early opposition to lockdown was his moment and he blew it... And actually, Covid/Lockdown goes a long way to explaining the current european position. We basically had a temporary form of communism; everyone was paid by the government regardless of whether they did any work; healthcare and education collapsed. Unsurpisingly, this has had a massive knock on effect on the economy. The number of people who have simply exited the labour market is massive. In the UK, researchers have discovered about 5m of us are being paid not too work; whilst some of that is very genuine and those people need help, there is no way 5m are genuinely unable to work in a country where the total workforce is about 36m!
UK and Europe can no longer compete on the world stage, and as the OP points out, is seeking to regulate everyone else instead...
you have to do a bit of research, but Johnson clearly went to Kiev when peace negotiations with Moscow were due in April 2022. there is no interest in peace on the part of the military industrial complex
my friend, you speak so much from my heart thank you very much
and so who do I look to for leadership?
Look into a mirror.