What's the spin over there?
In the US, the corporate press would just blame it on racism or climate change or Republicans (the later at least deserve some blame usually).
yes, in principle it's the same here. especially in Germany, it's always the right-wing radicals, but also this stubborn refusal of us morons to recognize the green Valhalla as paradise on earth
this stubborn refusal of us morons to recognize the green Valhalla as paradise on earth
Haha this so much
everything is great and if you don't agree then you're against democracy and you should be executed canceled
You know the insides of Germany. You must be one of us... lol
stubborn refusal of us morons to recognize the green Valhalla as paradise on earth
I should have anticipated that victim blaming/gaslighting would be in the tool kit. We're getting lots of that right now about why all us stupid rubes don't see how great Biden's economy is.
Lol. Yeah I know. How dare You
Iā€™m so curious. With all the bearish news you share specifically about Germany, why not just leave?
I already left 5 years ago to Spain (economically a desaster but better quality of life) and partially I am on the island of Crete/ Greece (no comment on the economy). But: Germany is the hearth of the continent's economy and political driver that affects all. Therefore I used to report on Germany to point at the main developments behind the noise
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 10 Feb
Your reporting combined with my own personal experience makes me want to leave too
don't lose heart, even if it looks bad now and won't get any better for the time being. i've been through hard times in germany, have been self-employed all my life and have never regretted taking the step to go abroad. if you have a clear vision, you'll eventually see the chance to live beautifully everywhere. so don't worry, you're not alone either
Glad to hear it šŸ˜„