Do demonstrations have to be annoying? I know, I am to blame for living in the center of a city but damn, it really sucks that almost every weekend people want to raise awareness for some topic by screaming about it lol
what's stopping you from moving away?
My priorities. But I am planning to move out this summer.
Oh and I got an eviction notice last summer. My rental contract was only temporary but it was very bad timing and I realized the contract is invalid1 so I actually can stay here indefinitely. Now I am waiting for this lawsuit to end so I can get my money back. I also hope they'll pay me for moving out then. They did a lot of stuff where they just assumed there would be no pushback. Now I want to make them pay for it.
all signs point to me winning this case
  1. The contract is only temporary for study reasons but if that's true, they can't end a contract in the middle of a semester. Just one example what's wrong with the contract. ↩
which are?
262 sats \ 7 replies \ @ek 10 Feb
Updated my comment haha
Also, I am going to the US in a few months so I'll look for a different place when I am back (and the lawsuit is settled).
Still have to figure out where and how I want to live.
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I got a feeling that @ekzyis might be a bit younger than me. πŸ‘€
Only now?
I would recommend going to live where scares you, it helps you to grow A LOT.
Mhh, I like this πŸ€” But maybe it shouldn't be too scary. Maybe I'm scared for good reasons.
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but how did you know I'm slightly older than you
You traveled the world and settled down. That sounds like what people my age wouldn't have done yet :)
or you must be super young!
what means super young for @Natalia though?
what scares you?
Maybe @Natalia's wisdom scares me πŸ‘€
but I was thinking more about failed states like Somalia or North Korea or ice bears.
Where you live sounds like a libertarian's nightmare! And a landlord's.
225 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 10 Feb
Why libertarian's nightmare?
I don't know the details of your circumstances. In New York City the government imposes all kinds of crazy restrictions on landlords, and if they are not met, tenants get to live rent free. Evictions are barred. The free market is non existent.
Ahh ohh, makes sense. I thought you were referring to the demonstrations with "libertarian's nightmare". And only with "landlord's nightmare" to my rental situation.
Yes, in Germany there are only very few valid reasons for temporary rental contracts. It's good for tenants but bad for the landlords. But living rent free sounds crazy πŸ‘€
If I owe the landlord a single cent more than the rent of a month, they have special rights to kick me out.
Now I want to make them pay for it.
insert darth meme: make em pay.
in sats
368 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 10 Feb
If people showed real conviction and set themselves on fire or did a hunger strike I would give them my sympathy. If they obstruct traffic or destroy artwork they just end up generating enemies by reflex. It’s so stupid.