Sharing some of the fun I've tested last night ⚡️
  1. Claimed, zap some sats and receive in eNuts, smooth.
You can do the same here:, and don't be reckless when you do the tests! ( I had four tests and one failed to showup ) I'm still trying to figure out the best user case for this address, maybe I will test it in Nostr for a while.
  1. Played around with minting in LNbits.
Guess what! Everyone can be a banker now: LNbits - Cashu - new Mint, but you need to earn trust to be one, instead of asking permissions from any authorities.
What a time to be alive:)
Just sent you a nut 🌰. Thus eCash stuff is so fun
received! and thanks - yes its really fun, but then no more comments and no detailed transactions, not sure how much I like about this 👀
still trying to think how to make the most of the 🌰, I think @nemo would like it!
@k00b (sorry for tagging you; you can bill me)-- these addresses automatically hyperlink as email addresses. It's inevitable as we start using lightning addresses, but maybe there's a brilliant solution rattling around in your brain.