This makes me sick.
For those of us at the high end of the social ladder, ending hunger globally would be a disaster. If there were no hunger in the world, who would plow the fields? Who would harvest our vegetables? Who would work in the rendering plants? Who would clean our toilets? We would have to produce our own food and clean our own toilets. No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset.
Ha, was just about to post the same quote!
But I interpreted it quite differently. I think he’s correctly pointing to the cause of the problem being that wealthier people benefit from hunger, and therefore have little incentive to solve it.
A little bit of searching indicates he’s an expert on world hunger and has written at least two books about it how to solve the issue. Here’s part of a synopsis of one of them:
“ Hunger grows out of widespread indifference and exploitation. The goal of ending hunger has been achieved in many places, including places where people have little money. In stable, strong communities, where people care about one another’s well-being, no one goes hungry. That caring is strengthened when people work and play together. This insight tells us the direction we need to take to move toward a world without hunger. The problem of global hunger will be solved when we learn to live together well locally.”
I’m pretty into that, and maybe Bitcoin could help ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah I would bet it's satire too, but it's a little too easy to assume people actually think this way.