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323 sats \ 5 replies \ @Fabs OP 9 Feb
I set it up once and it pretty much yields enough that I can "scoop" approximately €800,00 per month off the initial amount.
1010 sats \ 4 replies \ @kr 9 Feb
if i were to guess, i’d say you need 50-100x the amount of money you’re trying to earn each year in “passive” income.
i don’t recommend trying, in fact i do recommend removing the word “passive” from your mind and pretending it doesn’t exist. far too many people go down the “passive” income rabbit hole only to realize there is no free lunch.
Hmm, that's step 1, and on?
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @kr 9 Feb
Step 2 is spending time studying possible investments to learn the answer to the question “where does the $800/month come from?”
Lemme guess: step 3 is executing step 1 & 2, right? Right?!!