Umbrella has a whole bunch of apps available on their OS which optimize and make a bunch of services easy. Robosats (the LN DEX) is an example. Besides my bitcoin node, I'm probably using Umbrel for Radarr most right now, which basically allows you to build an entire media library and share it with anyone. I'm also a BitTorrent guy, and because Radarr uses Transmission (it's a BitTorrent client), you can basically configure it to monitor and index rss coms, so whenever a new movie or whatever you want drops, you go get dat shit. Yeah call me a pirate, but I'm done paying $15 a month for 10 different streaming apps. That money goes toward stacking sats, an example of umbrel helping me save money.
Great, thanks, convincing. Is the umbrel os a linux based? Can I install any software or only what they have in their app store?