Very nice, keep up the good work.
This was my first time using GPT ( or anything like it)
Here is two of my test queries. GPT -> Image (query "Sunset over a castle"):
Proxied GPT3.5 Turbo Service: You: What is a castle?
ChatGPT: A castle is a fortified structure, typically built during the medieval period, that served as a residence for nobility or a military stronghold. Castles were primarily constructed for defense purposes and provided protection from external threats, such as attacks by invaders or rival lords. They typically featured high walls, towers, and other defensive elements like moats and drawbridges. Castles often had a central keep or main building, surrounded by walls and other structures, and were designed to withstand sieges and prolonged battles. Over time, castles evolved into more elaborate and architecturally impressive structures, incorporating various styles like Norman, Gothic, or Renaissance.
@cascdr, 2 pieces of feedback:
  1. I don't see an estimated price on the ChatGPT service page like on the GPT -> Image. I was a little hesitant to click run without having some concept of cost.
  2. I see the Run button changes it text "..." while waiting for the response. Is there any more meaningful message that can be profiled to the user? In the GPT -> Image the debug text on the left of the screen gave me some insight if it was working or stuck.
I had held of using ChatGPT like services because of the requirement to make an account. Cascdr solves that issue for me.
Good job!
Latest CASCDR update: #568299
sorry about that there's a bug that prevented the price from loading properly.
I'll issue a fix soon.
A workaround for the meantime is if you click a different logic app tab (YouTube Transcript) then click back it'll force it to load the price.
Thank you for the feedback! Beautiful pic!