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As a counter-reaction to it?
Exactly. While I think many of the policies being pushed by the left are dumb, I think the potential reactions to them are more dangerous. When people feel threatened, high-minded moral principles go right out the window.
That ship has already sailed and isn’t coming back
We'll have to build a new one then.
We need to build a wall
Go ahead. Or do you mean I need to be stolen from so that my money can be used to build a wall against my will?
Should we ignore the will of voters who support building a wall
We should respect people's property rights. The point of individual rights is that they aren't overridden by the desires of a mob.
If enough people want a wall, they can fund its construction.
You can say this about any government program you disagree with such as welfare or planned parenthood or fill in the blank
Do you live near the border? Unless you do you don’t have to worry about eminent domain
I'm talking about taxes, but I also don't want property owners along the border to be expropriated in pursuit of a wall they don't want.