The problem with gov interference in the economy is that creates 10x problems we wouldn't have not having them do anything.
  1. Controlling the money suply, that gives them God power will over the masses, so they decide who get to be rich or poor by allocating the money wherever they want.
  2. Taxing a bounch of stuff more/less than others and even the act of taxing is imoral or lligal because requires force and violence to reinforce. For exemple, why should a bounch of people get better tax incentive to go buy an over-priced/luxurious/battery charging fail in the cold Tesla car? Their argument is they are protecting the environment, which not, so why does my grocery price has to be higher because a spoiled imbecile decide to make bounch of stupid decisions like this on top of their worthless degree cost?
  3. Controling your retirement fund, why is the gov has to be everybody parents for retirements? If you understand how inflation kills your fiat savings you know this can't be good when inflation starts moving higher.